Office of Community and Economic Development
The mission of the Cinnaminson Township Department of Community and Economic Development is to bring to fruition the community’s vision for its future quality of life, economic viability, and land use stewardship. Employing a strong customer service ethic, the Department emphasizes cooperation and interaction with business owners, residents, and developers to move projects from the design phase through the required approvals and on to completion. To accomplish this task, the Department brings all of the various stakeholders in the approval process together under one roof, including the Planning Board, Zoning Board of Adjustment, Construction Office, and Engineer. The Department is responsible for economic development and redevelopment initiatives, code enforcement, and property maintenance code enforcement so that properties which have fallen into disrepair can be addressed before negatively impacting the community’s quality of life.
Current and Prospective Business Owners:
Cinnaminson Township's Economic Development Committee provides important guidance and assistance to current and prospective business owners. If you are interested in expanding your business or bringing your business to Cinnaminson, please contact Eric Schubiger, Township Administrator at (856) 829-6000, ext. 2398.
Click here to Register/Renew Business Registration or Apply for Zoning Permit
Burlington County Small Business Loan Program
The Burlington County Department of Economic Development has a Small Business Loan Program for Burlington County Small Businesses. Click below for more information.
The Freeholders are offering, through the County’s Small Business Loan Program, COVID19 loans for working capital up to $50,000 to sustain small businesses through the pandemic.
A quick summary of our terms:
• Application fee is being waived for working capital to retain/hire employees or purchase inventory to sustain the business
• Repayment deferred until Aug. 1, 2020
• Current interest rate is 2.4375% for maximum 10 years
Below is the application which also can be accessed through the Bridge Commission’s website
Burlington County COVID19 Resources
Burlington County Home Improvement Loan Program
What is the Home Improvement Loan Program?
Burlington County receives an allocation of Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds each year from the Federal government to provide assistance to residents of Burlington County through a variety of local housing-related and public service projects. The Board of Chosen Freeholders has designated portion of these funds to be made available through the Home Improvement Loan Program, which is administered by Community Development and Housing.
The Home Improvement Loan Program provides technical assistance to qualified homeowners and makes 0 % interest property improvement loans of up to $20,000 to correct substandard housing conditions and to eliminate health and safety hazards.
Examples of eligible work include foundation, plumbing, heating and electrical repairs, roof work, termite and dry-rot repairs, water and sewer hookups, energy conservation measures and remodeling to provide wheelchair accessibility.
Loans are made for the rehabilitation of owner-occupied single family houses only. Technical assistance provided through the program includes assessing the scope of needed repairs, consulting with building officials, architects and other professionals as needed, assisting the homeowner in obtaining bids and contracting for the repairs, monitoring construction and issuing payments
Attention Cinnaminson Township Residents
This office performs all duties and responsibilities as required by the Uniform Construction Code, the International Construction Code, the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs, and laws pursuant to the New Jersey Uniform Construction Code. This office follows the requirements under the DCA and Cinnaminson codes
Municipal Construction Permits WILL NOT be issued without proof of registration from any contractor working on your home. Application packets are available at: Cinnaminson Township Construction Office, or by calling Consumer Affairs at 1-888-656-6225 Or Online at:
Home improvements include the construction, installation, replacement, or repair of residential driveways, sidewalks, swimming pools, terraces, patios, additions, landscaping, fences, porches, windows, doors, cabinets, kitchens, bathrooms, garages, finished basements, basement waterproofing, fire protection devices, security protection devices, central heating and air conditioning equipment, water softeners, heaters, and purifiers, solar heating or water systems, insulation installation, roofing and siding, wall-to-wall carpeting or attached or inlaid floor coverings, and more.
Requesting a Construction Permit
Construction Permit Fees (see Township Code Book Chapter 265-7):
Construction Permit Application
Construction Permit Forms
Building Subcode
Electrical Subcode
Fire Subcode
Mechanical Subcode
Plumbing Subcode
Chimney Certification
Supplemental Structures Permit Application - Zoning Department   (Sheds under 200 sq. feet, Fences that do not enclose a pool) see Township Code Book Chapter 125-102.1:
Permits and Licenses
When is a Permit Needed?
A Construction Permit, which may include a Building, Electrical, Fire and/or Plumbing sub-code technical section, is required to do any of the following:
All construction, including but not limited to:
(The following is a general guide – each job may have different requirements and may need more than is listed below)
Construction permit applications for projects which change the footprint of the building, lot coverage, use of the space, etc. may also require a Zoning approval
Building, Electrical, Plumbing, Fire include Survey for Zoning
New Buildings:
Building, Electrical, Plumbing, Fire include Survey for Zoning
Air Conditioning:
Electric & Mechanical
Contact Zoning Office
(856)829-6000 ext. 2313/2396
Burglar: Electric
Fire/Smoke/Carbon Monoxide: Electric & Fire
Pool (In Ground/Above Ground/Temporary/Seasonal)
Building, Electric, Plumbing, Fire (for heater) include Survey for Zoning
Residential/Commercial – Building, Electrical, Plumbing and/or Fire
Building include Survey for Zoning
Asbestos Removal:
Building & Electric
Basement Refinishing/Remodeling:
Building, Electric, Fire and/or Plumbing
Building include Survey for Zoning
Bathroom Fixtures:
Direct replacement and/or any piping changes
– Plumbing
(Need licensed plumbing contractor or Homeowner)
Building (Commercial only)
Chimney Liner:
(200 sq. ft or less - contact Zoning office
over 200′sq. ft.– Building
Building include Survey for Zoning
Building (Commercial only)
Building & Electric
(Adding, Enlarging or Eliminating) – Building
No permit required MUST BE IN DRIVEWAY
Spa/Hot Tub:
Electric include Survey for Zoning
Sprinkler System: (Interior)
Electric Work:
Landscape Lighting, All Voltages
Steps Building include Survey for Zoning
(Installation, Abandonment or Removal) Fire
Around a pool, over 6′ or Commercial – Building
Residential without a pool - contact Zoning Office
Telephone/Comm. Points/Voice Data/Computer Wiring:
Building, Fire, Mechanical & Chimney Certification
Building (Others as needed) include Survey for Zoning
Tenant Fit Out:
Building, Electrical, Plumbing and Fire
Contact Zoning for New Business information
Building include Survey for Zoning
Building & Electrical
Electrical & Mechanical include Survey for Zoning
Electric (if fuel fired equip.
does not need licensed electrician)
& Mechanical
Water Heater:
Mechanical for residential replacement
Plumbing for commercial or new construction
Wood burning Stove:
Building & Fire
Fire & Electric
Irrigation/Lawn Sprinkler:
Electric unless wireless, Plumbing for Backflow preventer
Moving a structure:
Building & all utility sign-offs as for demo (Also would require footing/foundation
application for setting the structure in new location)
Building Codes
Please refer to the Uniform Construction Code Book or Current Adopted Codes for more detailed information about building codes.
Building Inspections
1621 Riverton Road
Cinnaminson, NJ 08077
Phone: 856-829-6000 ext 5
Fax: 856-303-0265
[email protected]
Inspectors | Position |
Michael Lunemann | Construction Code Official/ Building Sub code |
Lori Neely | Technical Assistant |
Robert Yearly | Building Inspector |
Robert Yearly | Fire Inspector |
Anthony Cimino | Plumbing Inspector |
3rd Party | Electrical Inspector |
Inspection Hours:
Construction Official: Tuesday & Thursday 2:30 pm to 5:00 pm
Building: Tuesday & Thursday 8:00 am to 12:00 pm and 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm
Electrical: Monday to Friday 7:00 am to 11:00 am
Plumbing: Monday & Thursday 8:00 am to 12:00 pm
Fire: Tuesday & Thursday 8:00 am to 12:00 pm
Obligations During Construction:
- Any work which does not conform to the approved plans will require re inspection. If the work continues without resolving the problem, the applicant will be fined and the job stopped.
- Applicants are required to post the permit prominently on the site and to keep a copy of the approved plans at the site.
- When the project is completed, the applicant must call for final building, electrical, plumbing, and fire inspections prior to occupying.
State law mandates that the Construction Official issue a fine to any person who performs work without a permit if the construction is of a nature which requires a permit.
Construction Code Official – Michael Lunemann
Code Enforcement
The Property Maintenance Code (Chapter 405) is used to protect the health safety and welfare of the general public by establishing minimum standards for the maintenance of premises throughout the Township. It covers many areas, such as but not limited to, overgrown grass and vegetation, residential and commercial parking requirements, trash and refuse, exterior maintenance for buildings, parking lots, curbs, and sidewalks, infestation, clothing bins, and dumpsters. The Code Enforcement Officer investigates reported violations of Chapter 405. He can be reached at 856-829-6000 ext. 2379.
Frequently Asked Questions about Code Enforcement & Zoning
Yes, permits are required regardless of the size and height. A copy of your survey is required, showing the location of the proposed structures.
No, Cinnaminson Township does not require CO inspections for resale of a residential home. They do require an inspection from the Sewerage Authority (856)829-5287 and the Fire District (856)829-5220. Please contact them directly for scheduling and fees.
Yes, Township ordinances require that the lawn be maintained and may not be higher than 8”.
The Twp. ordinance requires that you notify the Zoning Officer of your intent to have a yard sale. There is no fee for approval of a yard sale. You are NOT permitted to place signage of any kind on trees or utility poles, however the Zoning Officer will extend you the courtesy of allowing temporary. signs for a limited time, which must be removed after the sale.
Yes, however State law requires that any body of water 24” or deeper MUST BE surrounded with a minimum 4’ barrier (fence or wall) which meets the State code. Not all types of fence meet the State Code.
Yes, the ordinances require you to maintain all of the area between your property line and the street, including the sidewalks, grass strip, and curb. This also pertains to the areas behind the homes with reverse frontage that back up to roadways. This includes snow and ice removal within 24 hours of the snow event.
Trash may not be put out before 12pm (noon) the day before the scheduled trash collection day.
No, vehicles (only) must be parked in the driveway (or street if legally registered). Vehicles, boats, and trailers not parked in the driveway MUST BE parked in the rear yard a minimum of 5’ from the property lines, and MUST BE placed on a hard surface such as asphalt, stone, or concrete with a thickness capable of supporting the weight.
Yes, for purposes of temporary (30 days) storage, and they do require a permit, and must be placed in the driveway.
NO, dumpsters are NOT permitted to be placed in any street under any circumstances. They present a danger to motorists.
Grass clippings should be placed in your Cinnaminson Township trash container for regular trash collection.
All buildings MUST be numbered so that emergency personnel can see your address from the street.
Zoning Board of Adjustment:
The Zoning Board of Adjustment has the authority to hear and decide appeals of any order, requirement, decision or refusal made by the zoning officer based or made on the provisions of the Township’s zoning ordinance. In addition, the Zoning Board of Adjustment hears and decides requests for interpretation of the zoning map or ordinance. A Zoning Ordinance (Chapter 525) is used to regulate and limit the uses of land, as well as the uses and locations of buildings and structures on a particular lot. Cinnaminson Township has nine different Residential Zones, and six different Commercial/Industrial Zones; each with its own set of requirements. Each Zone has a number of “bulk” requirements which include the maximum building height permitted, the minimum lot size required, the minimum setback to all property lines, and the maximum lot coverage by buildings. The Zoning Officer enforces the Zoning Regulations as defined in Chapter 525 to ensure the proper use of buildings and lands throughout the Township. The Zoning Officer can be reached at 856-829-6000 ext. 2396. The Cinnaminson Township Zoning Board of adjustment meets on the first Wednesday of each month at 6:30 PM in the Township’s Municipal Building. To schedule an appearance with the Zoning Board of Adjustment, please contact Zoning Board Secretary at 856-829-6000 ext. 2313.
Appearing Before the Planning Board and/or Zoning Board
Planning Board:
The Cinnaminson Township Planning Board is tasked with ensuring that the Township’s Master Plan regarding development is followed. The Board will also make amendments to the Township’s Master Plan on an as needed basis. The Board processes and approves all applications for site plans in accordance with the provisions of the Township code. The Board also acts on variances and certain building permits in conjunction with subdivisions, site plans and conditional use approval pursuant to the States Municipal Land Use Law. The Planning Board meets on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month. To submit an application to the Planning Board, please contact Ms. Patricia Rucci at 856-829-6000 ext 2313.