Town Hall

1621 Riverton Road
Cinnaminson, NJ 08077

Hours of Operation
Monday – Friday 8:30 am to 4:00 pm.

The following offices are located at Town Hall:

Township Clerk & Registrar

Ms. Lisa A. Passione
856-829-6000 ext. 2397
[email protected]

Hours of Operation:
Monday through Friday from 8:30 AM to 4:00 PM.

The Township Clerk is responsible to ensure that the minutes and records of the proceedings of the Township Committee are kept. The Clerk is responsible to preserve and compile all resolutions, assume custody of all books, documents and papers of the municipality and serve as the custodian of all public records in compliance with the State’s Open Public Meetings Act. The registrar is responsible for processing documents such as marriage licenses, birth and death certificates.

To Request a Vital Record please complete the below form and mail to : Cinnaminson Township, Attn: Registrar, 1621 Riverton Road, Cinnaminson, NJ 08077. Please include a copy of your photo ID with current address, check or money order made payable to Cinnaminson Township and a self-addressed stamped envelope. The fee is $25 per copy.

New Jersey Vital Statistics Click Here

For information on getting married in New Jersey Click Here

Tax Collector

Property taxes are due on February 1, May 1, August 1 and November 1. Failure to receive a bill does not exempt you from paying taxes or the interest due on delinquent taxes. The Township does permit a grace period of 9 days after due date. The State of New Jersey does not allow the Tax Collector to acknowledge postmark, therefore taxes must be received in the office on or before the 10th. However, if the 10th falls on a weekend or legal holiday you have until the next business day to make your payment. Payments may be made by check, cash, money order, ACH (direct debit from your bank account) or on-line via our website (Click “Pay Your Taxes Online” in Resources box at top of page and follow prompts).

Tax bills are mailed once a year (normally in July or once the new tax rate is released). Bills may be paid in full by adding the amounts on the four numbered stubs. This covers the last half of the current year and the first half of the following year.

Cinnaminson Township Extends Grace Period for 2nd Quarter Tax Payments to June 1. On April 28, Governor Murphy signed Executive Order No. 130 which permits municipalities the option of extending the grace period for 2nd quarter tax payments to June 1. Please visit for the full text of Governor Murphy’s order. After careful consideration and analysis, Cinnaminson Township has decided to extend the grace period for 2nd quarter tax payments to June 1. Residents should be reminded that payment must be received by 4:00pm on June 1 to avoid interest. In accordance with New Jersey state law and commensurate with the standard grace period, interest will be applied retroactively to May 1 for payments received after June 1. Please contact the Tax Collector’s office at (856) 829-6000, ext. 2302 for additional details. Cinnaminson Township Extends Grace Period

We have installed a drop-box, located next to the front door of the Municipal building. This gives you 24-hour access to drop off tax payments.

ANCHOR (Formerly Homestead) Rebate Application – Any questions (including non-receipt of application) should be directed to the State’s ANCHOR Rebate hotline 1-888-238-1233.

NJ Property Tax Reimbursement
If you need your PTR Verification form completed you MUST complete Part 1, bring into tax office, mail or place in the drop box at Town Hall. If mailing or drop box, a self-addressed stamped envelope must be included. The Tax Collector will complete it and mail back to y

Current filing date for 2023 PTR applications is October 31, 2024.

Sandra J. Root, CTC
856-829-6000 ext. 2302
[email protected]
Hours of Operation:
Monday – Friday 8:30am -4:00pm

Tax Assessor

To search property assessment information please go to the link:

Dennis DeKlerk, CTA


The Tax Assessor’s hours are:

Dennis DeKlerk, Tax Assessor – Saturday 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM (Appointments Available) Robyn Free, (Assessor’s Clerk) – Wednesday from 8:30 AM to 4:00 PM

Tax Information

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